Please allow 1 business day for new employee setup.
Your First and Last Name (or whomever should receive the login info)
New Hire Full name
Job Title
When Do You Need Account Credentials?
Requires Computer YesNo
Please provide the Existing Computer ID (eg SECC-281) or specify new purchase.
Drives H - Career HubI - IACL - LBSM - Board MinutesN - NSPT - ESCTP - PoliciesQ - LiteracyR - AdminS - CHSSW - Workshop ResourcesX - IT TrackingY - ADPY - COMED
Printer Access AdminCareer HubKingsvilleWindsorClassroomCommunity Services
Room Calendars Barnes RoomCAP ResourceCareer Hub KingsvilleCareer Hub LeamingtonCareer Hub WindsorChildren & YouthComm PartnersCommunity ServicesDuchene RoomFillimore RoomHIS RoomInterview RoomL&LLanguage InstructionLanguage & SettlementLiteracy ClassroomMigrant Worker Support TeamPaterson RoomRepko RoomSECC EventsSenior LeadershipSupport 11Support 12Tutoring RoomUnited WayVolunteer Room
Additional Software Required - Microsoft Office, Microsoft Teams and Zoom are included.
Additional Notes